Cecilie & Jesper Conrad

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Your Journey to Harmony with Money starts here 

We want to help you create balance in your financial life, as well as teach you the techniques we ourselves use that have given us personal financial freedom.

There is no magic wand that creates money out of thin air. If you are looking for "easy" solutions and quick fixes, then we are not the right ones to help you. It's a bit like going on a diet to lose weight. If you want lasting results, you need to change your lifestyle. And that's what we want to help you with in terms of personal finance.

We want to teach you a series of effective methods that can help you create a healthier and more productive relationship with your finances. Together we will explore your personal attitudes towards money and how they affect your financial decisions.

The goal is for you to learn to balance your values in relation to your spending and earning, using the techniques we teach, so you can achieve greater financial freedom.

Read about our course ➜



Meet Cecilie & Jesper Conrad

Full-time Travelers and Financially Free.


Jesper Conrad portrait-1066w

Hi, I'm Jesper, and together with my wife Cecilie, we have created financial freedom and personal independence. But for us financial freedom, it's not just about making more money. It's also about understanding our relationship with money and using it in accordance with our deepest values.

We left the conventional lifestyle with a big house and busy careers to pursue our dream of traveling around the world with our children.

This decision changed everything for us. Over the years, we have learned a number of techniques that have both increased our income and helped us manage our expenses in line with our values.

Now, we want to share our experiences with you, so you can learn to understand your relationship with money, use it in accordance with your values, and achieve the financial freedom you dream of.

With love


Jesper Conrad

Hi, I'm Cecilie.

My journey has been one filled with life changes and unexpected challenges. I am a cancer survivor, a psychologist, and a former single mother. My journey has also been characterized by co-sleeping, being a yoga enthusiast, babywearing, and a lover of plant-based food. I am a happily married mother of four children, and we now live as full-time traveling nomads.

We have learned that financial freedom is not just about accumulating wealth, but about discovering how money can be used to enhance our lives and values. Freedom, integrity, and adventure are our foundations.

Come and join us on our journey towards financial freedom and personal growth. Let's explore together the path to a life based on freedom, integrity, and adventure.

With love


Cecilie Conrad

Cecilie-portraet (2)

Our Journey to Harmony in Our Relationship with Money

Cecilie - Jesper

Financial Harmony and Lifestyle Changes

We have now been traveling full-time for 5 and a half years. The question we most often get is: 'What about money, how can you afford it, what do you work with?'

To afford traveling full-time, we have spent a lot of time learning to understand economics and have worked with our own relationship to money, what money is, and how to learn to consume in relation to one's values, and how to learn to say yes to money and the energy that comes with it.

It's a bit like going on a diet to lose weight. If you want lasting results, you need to change your lifestyle. The same applies when you want to create harmony in your finances. You need to change your financial lifestyle.

Therefore, we would like to invite you on our own financial journey, so you can see how we have ended up with the freedom we have today.

Single Mother on Student Allowance

Cecilie became pregnant at the age of 23 and chose to have a child while she was studying to be a psychologist. Life as a single mother on a single student allowance teaches one a lot about living within means and only spending the money one has. Cecilie got used to saving money in the couch, so she always had enough for rice and onions when it was the end of the month.

Cecilie og Liv - Frankrig 2003
Conrad - Chili 1999

A Life in the Media Industry and Debt

Jesper spent his youth in the media industry. He had a decent amount of money, and a corresponding level of consumption. In fact, he had accumulated a bit of consumer debt by the time we met. Where Cecilie, as a single mother, had to get used to making do with what she had, Jesper was accustomed to the idea that one could just spend a little more money, as there would always be a nice amount coming in the next month.

Love, Children, House, a Dog, and Mortgage.

After being teenage sweethearts back in 1988, and then not having seen each other for many years, we coincidentally met three times in one wonderful week in May 2004. We said yes to fate and within a year, Cecilie was pregnant with Storm and we had bought a house together, even though we couldn't quite afford it. But we wanted to give our children a childhood with a garden. So we struggled and fought for the next few years to succeed in paying the mortgage.


From Two Incomes to One + a Little Bit of Everything

In 2008, we had long been accustomed to a life with two incomes and had managed our mortgage well. We lived without a car and our clothes were second-hand. But then Silke was born, and we decided that Cecilie should stay at home. Our finances shrank, and we now had to manage with one income, maternity benefits, and some small earnings from Jesper's projects. Our focus on how to achieve harmony in our finances grew. A step in Jesper's journey was the book 'The Energy of Money,' which led him to the idea that money is a language. Liv attended a private school and we prioritized having enough for experiences and a long winter vacation in Thailand. When you are clear about your values, it's easier to prioritize your expenses, so you can still afford the dream life.

Cancer. About Surviving and Wanting to Live

From 2008 to 2010, we struggled to make it work living on one income. Jesper became better at negotiating his salary, and more clients came on board. But then our lives changed drastically. Cecilie was diagnosed with leukemia in May 2010. The next long period was all about survival. We slowly rose again, but lived with the fear. We were in shock. When Cecilie got home from the hospital, it felt wrong to send our children to daycare every day, and the idea of a life with homeschooled children began, and our focus on how we could gain more freedom grew. But first, we had to survive, both mentally and financially.


Surprise Baby and the Start of Worldschooling

Fjord was born in January 2012. We were still living with the fear that Cecilie might have a leukemia relapse. But then Fjord came. He was a surprise. A light in the darkness. Showed us the way. As Copenhageners, we didn't have a driver's license, nor a car. All transport was by public means or a cargo bike. But when Fjord was on the way, we took our driving tests together. 37 years old. We wanted to live more. And dreamed of freedom. Jesper had the opportunity to take a long paternity leave, so we bought an old Toyota Previa, rented out our house, and went on a 3-month road trip when Fjord was only 4 months old.

Yes to Life: Our Start of living the Dreamlife

In August 2015, we popped champagne in a park in Copenhagen with a bunch of friends to celebrate Cecilie passing the first critical 5 years after leukemia. Finally, no more medical check-ups. We could finally say goodbye to the fear, and a dream was born. We wanted more. To live more. We dreamed of a life as full-time travelers. But the dream was always somewhere in the future, something we talked about, but could it really be done? We gave ourselves 3 years to change our income to become location-independent, so we could travel full-time. The decision was celebrated with a month in Tenerife during the winter. Jesper actively pursued getting clients in online marketing and built his network over the next three years.


Full-Time Travelers - We Made It! From Dreaming to Planning.

The winter of 2017/2018 we spent on La Palma, one of the beautiful Canary Islands. There, we met a full-time traveling family who gave us a very simple but brilliant piece of advice: 'Set a date, then you go from dreaming to planning.' After that, things moved quickly. We had built up enough clients to live as digital nomads. And we had also managed our expenses. There was harmony in our finances and we were ready. We bought a bus, converted it, and set out into the world. For the first two years of our full-time traveling life, we lived off the income from Jesper's consulting tasks and Cecilie's mentoring. We did it. And we are proud of it.

Check out our workshop!


The knowledge we want to share with you encompasses all the thoughts, initiatives, and strategies we used when we transitioned from a conventional life with two incomes to succeeding as digital nomads and traveling full-time.

We believe we can help you gain clarity on your values and your relationship with money, leading to increased financial freedom. We also believe that you don't need to take as long a path as we did. It took us 14 years. But we didn't know what we were doing. We fumbled our way through, tried things out, analyzed, and started over many times.

This is knowledge we ourselves would have loved to have when we began our own journey. It's knowledge we believe can help you change your lifestyle in relation to your finances.

Course: Money and Harmony ➜

Why Do We Call Harmony in your relationship with money for 'Luconomy'?

When we began talking about how we could share our knowledge about creating financial harmony, Jesper came up with the name Luconomy. The word is inspired by the Chinese 'Lu' meaning prosperity and the Western term Economy.

Lu is one of the three Chinese gods of fortune, Fu Lu Shou, where 'Lu' stands for prosperity, 'Fu' symbolizes happiness, and 'Shou' represents health and longevity.

We talk about financial harmony because it's about there being harmony between your values and the energy that money represents in your life. We considered financial balance, but if your finances only balance, then as much energy comes in as goes out. For us, it's more harmonious to earn more than we spend, life is long and there should also be money for a period in life without income.

We look forward to sharing our knowledge. Let's create a good time together.

Fu Lu Shou

Check Out Our Other Projects

CecilieConrad.com ➜

Cecilie helps women in focusing on what is truly important in their lives, helps them navigate motherhood, and feel at home in their values. Moreover, Cecilie has been blogging since 2012 and you can find more than 400 blog posts she has written.


Listen to Our Podcast ➜

We have a weekly podcast called 'Self Directed' where we talk about unschooling, travel, parenting, money, freedom, and what it means for us to live a self-directed life.

JesperConrad.com ➜

Jesper helps NGOs, business owners, and individuals working in personal development, having chosen to dedicate his time to contributing to a better world through heart-driven digital marketing.